Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I miss this show

Last year Glee captured my heart with its unapologetic celebration of fine arts underdoggedness. This year, not so much. Too much coupling, too many themed shows, too much unlikable behavior (why did Rachel turn into Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter?) and I think most of all song choices that don't appeal to me. Ironically, though, my favorite moment of second season was during Sectionals when The Warblers performed Train's "Hey Soul Sister," which is a gawful song. But at about 1:10 when Rachel implores a tentative to Kurt to smile, Glee touchstones Season 1 and hits the perfect note of the dumped-upon-show-choir-kids remembering that they're the best support each other will ever have and that the way we perform when we're doing what we love is the best we can show of ourselves, so don't fuck it up. Without further ado ... a horrible song done right by Glee ...

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