Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Everything I need to know I learned from television

Know-it-all postman Cliff Claven was right: the secret of life is comfortable shoes. And after literally more than 12 years of yearning and searching I have finally found (more or less) found MY SHOES.

Back in the summer of 1994 (if memory serves) Converse produced a pair of low-cut Chuck Taylor All-Stars in a reddish-maroon made out of vinyl. I loved these shoes, but didn't quite feel comfortable enough in my own skin to be so bold as to buy them. (I hadn't seen Almost Famous yet, b/c the movie was about six years away.) When I got to college that fall semester someone did have them and they looked fab on her.

Owing, to what appeared to be tepid sales of these shoes, they were quickly discontined apparently permanently. I have regretted not buying them ever since. I've spent hours online looking, even e-mailing a guy who runs a site about the history of the shoe to see if he had any leads. Snake eyes.

But then just a few minutes ago, Google helped me roll the hard 6 ...

Now this isn't precisely the shoe from back in the day, which had a white star and even a white > shape in front of the star. But who cares? These are so close and in fact, I like them a little better with the off-white soles and the black star. I've lost several hours of sleep the past few nights trying to find great new shoes since I haven't whimsically bought shoes from desire in more than five years. That's a good thing in that it means I haven't been depressed. Shoe shopping in Albany was all about fixing a bad mood. But still ... it's THE NEW SHOES.


Lisa said...

These are awesome. I know what it's like to lust after a pair of shoes... and the perfect dress... and diamond earrings... :)

Tiffany said...

nice shoes... and I'm pretty picky about shoes.

...about arcade fire: I'm not sure. I don't have tickets. The problem is that I don't have anyone who's willing to pay for the ticket to go with me. 50 damn bucks. By the time I do, I'll probably be sitting in the back- and of the Hollywood bowl- that'll suck. It's still worth it, definitely.

And you got pit/pool/or-whatever-else-it's-called tickets??? :o

Tiffany said...

Clarification, again. LOL. So you have pool tickets right? Did you get them during the presale? I marked the date on my iCalendar but unfortunately the wrong date. Then it wasn't till much after that I realized the tickets were already on sale.

And yeah. I should post more but only if something really compels me to do it...

Seegars said...

There is NOTHING more comfortable than a pair of Chuck Taylors (although I do have to side with the hi top canvas variety of which I have nearly 20 pair.) Awesome you finding YOUR shoes!